7 Actionable Tips About UX & SEO Diversifying Your Success

For the business websites around the world, only having online appearance is not enough. Undoubtedly, web design plays an important role only if it has been designed by keeping the lead converting purpose in your mind. While the aesthetic alone website will get visitor’s attention. But, in order to be the preference of users, you have to rank on higher. The search engines rely on the UX, this is why, the marketers should give better attention to the users for the website ranking. So, below are the seven tips for successful online business.


Examine The Current Situation

Start the process with a concrete plan and for this, you have to examine the whole situation of your current website. This will help you to determine what profitable action you need to take and how far your business success exist. In short, analyze the loopholes and bridge the gap between the failure and business goals.

Keyword Optimization

Keep two factors in your mind while opting for keyword optimization. One is, searches would likely be based on simpler words and thus the keywords should be the same as per the search. Another thing is, you should intent the searches. Some vogue keywords do not encompass your site purpose. As a result, the art of keyword research and selection would need something used to factors.

Engaging Content

If your content has the quality to engage your clients, it will deliver the following signals:

  • The time that users spend on your page will be longer.
  • When your site has high-quality content, the Google algorithm will put your site on the top.
  • The number of clicks on your site also determines the quality of your content.
Importance Of Navigation

To make your navigation as simpler as your customer want, you have three basic navigation schemes, these are as given below:

  • Single-bar navigation allows putting just one row with approx 10 links. It is a straightforward and user-friendly technique.
  • Double-bar navigation is a bit more complicated. It is like a risk to clutter your page.
  • The drop-down navigation basically involves the drop-down menus with the ability to display many links to the users.
Mobile Integration

Undoubtedly, mobile phones are ruling internet users. This is why your site should be easily accessed by mobile users. Search engines are already following this rule and the sites which are already mobile optimized, they are grabbing the traffic.

Website Speed

User experience is widely connected to website speed. If your site performance is not loading quickly, the users will avoid dealing with you. On an average, maximum people want the site to be opened within only 3 seconds.

Image And Videos Optimization

The visual content promotes the understanding to achieve the purpose of your business. For video and image add, follow the below tips:

  • The image should have high quality
  • Give it SEO optimized title and description
  • Consider the geo-tagging if the content is related to local business.

SEO and user-experience just go hand-in-hand. In order to add the above-mentioned factors in your website, you need to consult online marketing professionals at WinnipegTech. We serve all size businesses for establishing a lead converting online business.
